Custom Book Plates and Wine Lables

These are my newest fun design I've started are the book plates. Everyone loves them so I thought I would share. I've designed for book clubs and individuals. I've put all of these in my books and they are great when friends borrow my books, reminds them it's my book and to return it! They are a wonderful gift for your girlfriends who read a lot.

I've also started making these wine labels. They are great to stick right on the wine bottle for a gift when you're going to someones place for dinner or a birthday bottle, instead of buying a new expensive bag EVERY time. If you don't drink that bottle while you're at their house they'll always remember who gave them that specific bottle! (You'll have to buy them a nice bottle then spend the extra $$ on a nice bottle of wine instead of a new bag to put it in!)

I've also done custom labels for friends who make special holiday drinks!

Check out my store to order or have me make a custom design for you!